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Samstag, 27. Juli 2024


Spiele von Iceberg Interactive

[komplette Adventureliste]

 Adam's Venture Episode 1 - Die Suche nach dem Garten Eden  Fantasy-Adventure  3rd-Person  2010  11773
 Adam's Venture Episode 2 - König Solomon's Geheimnis  Fantasy-Adventure  3rd-Person  2011  6064
 Adam's Venture Episode 3 - Die Offenbarung  Fantasy-Adventure  3rd-Person  2012  5544
 Baron Wittard - Das dunkle Geheimnis von Utopia  mystisches Adventure  1st-Person  2011  6655
 Barrow Hill 2 - Der Dunkle Pfad  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2017  2985
 British Horror Collection  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2009  4505
 Conarium  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2017  2411
 Conarium (Nintendo Switch)  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2021  681
 Conarium (PlayStation 4)  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2019  1515
 Conarium (XBox one)  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2019  1374
 Dark Fall 3 - Lost Souls  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2010  8642
 Darkness Within 2 - Das dunkle Vermächtnis  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2010  6329
 Darkness within Collector's Edition  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2011  4144
 Empathy - Path of Whispers  Psycho-Adventure  1st-Person  2017  2616
 Inmates  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2017  1498
 Last Half of Darkness 3 - Tomb of Zojir  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2010  4890
 Last Half of Darkness 4 - Society of the Serpent Moon  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2012  3759
 Lunacy - Saint Rhodes  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2021  1013
 Recursive Ruin  Fantasy-Adventure  1st-Person  2022  530
 Silent Night  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2019  1397
 Still There  Science Fiction Adventure  1st-Person  2019  1004
 Still There (Nintendo Switch)  Science Fiction Adventure  1st-Person  2019  835
 Strange Horticulture  mystisches Adventure  1st-Person  2022  826
 Syberia Collection  Fantasy-Adventure  variabel  2009  3834
 Tech Support - Error Unknown  sonstiges Adventure  1st-Person  2019  902
 The First Crown  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  ?  2045
 The Last Crown - Blackenrock  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2019  12285
 The Last Crown - Haunting of Hallowed Isle  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2019  2087
 The Last Crown - Midnight Horror  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2015  2317
 The Lost Crown - a ghost-hunting adventure (Neuauflage 2012)  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  variabel  2012  3642
 The Sojourn  Fantasy-Adventure  1st-Person  2020  1397
 The Sojourn (PlayStation 4)  Fantasy-Adventure  1st-Person  2019  1125
 The Sojourn (Xbox one)  Fantasy-Adventure  1st-Person  2019  1073
 Transient  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2020  1040
 Transient (Nintendo Switch)  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2021  741
 Transient (PlayStation 4)  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2021  792
 Transient (Xbox One)  Horror-/Grusel-Adventure  1st-Person  2021  795
 Wings of Prey  Simulation  variabel  2010  1316
 Wings of Prey (Neuauflage 2011)  Simulation  variabel  2011  1567
 Wings of Prey - Wings of Luftwaffe (Add-on)  Simulation  variabel  2010  1357

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